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Licensed employees shall perform their assigned job, respect and follow board policy, and obey the law. The superintendent is authorized to suspend a licensed employee pending board action on a discharge, for investigation of charges against the employee, and for disciplinary purposes. It shall be within the discretion of the superintendent to suspend a licensed employee with or without pay.


Legal Reference:         Northeast Community Education Association v. Northeast Community  School District, 402 N.W.2d 765 (Iowa 1987).


McFarland v. Board of Education of Norwalk Community School

District, 277 N.W.2d 901 (Iowa 1979).


Iowa Code §§ 20.7, .24; 279.13, .15-.19, .27 (1993).



Approved: 6/12/1995

Reviewed: 1/14/1999; 02/14/2008; 10/12/11; 2/8/17; 1/19/22

Revised: 9/21 /2006