Regular attendance by the students at school is essential for students to obtain the maximum opportunities from the education program. Parents and students alike are encouraged to ensure an absence from school is a necessary absence. Students shall attend school unless excused by the principal of their attendance center.


Truancy is the failure to attend school for the minimum number of hours established in the school calendar by the board. Truancy is the act of being absent without parental and/or school knowledge. Truancy will not be tolerated by the board.


Unexcused absences shall include, but not be limited to, oversleeping, shopping, grooming, recreation, going to another area of the building instead of class, senior pictures, and working for hire.


Students are subject to disciplinary action for truancy including suspension and expulsion. It shall be within the discretion of the principal to determine, in light of the circumstances, whether the student may make up work missed because of the truancy. Students receiving special education services will not be assigned to in-school suspension unless the goals and objectives of the student's Individualized Education Program are capable of being met.


It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the principal, to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy. The administrative regulations shall indicate the disciplinary action to be taken for truancy.



Legal Reference:        Iowa Code §§ 294.4; 299 (1993).

                                    281 I.A.C. 12.2(4).



Cross Reference:        501.3  Compulsory Attendance

                                    503    Student Discipline

                                    504    Student Activities

                                    506    Student Records



Approved: 8/17/1995

Reviewed: 1/11/2001; 12/08/2005; 02/14/2008; 1/12/12; 7/19/22

Revised:  10/11/2017


Daily, punctual attendance is an integral part of the learning experiences and required of all students to receive the maximum benefit of the Wapello School's educational program. The habit of good attendance established early is one which helps a person be successful throughout his or her lifetime. More and more, employers, colleges, and vocational schools expect good attendance and are checking attendance records for absences and tardies. They are aware that good and prompt attendance indicates dependability in a student.

The education that goes on in the classroom builds from day-to-day and as a result, absences always cause some disruption in educational progress of the absent student. Students who are absent may not understand what the teacher is currently presenting, and may also become discouraged with a double burden of keeping current and making up missed work. In order to maintain interest and understanding in the instructional program, students should not expect to be absent any more than is absolutely necessary. Irregular attendance or tardiness by students not only retards their own studies, but also interferes with the progress of those students who are regular and prompt in attendance. Attendance is a shared responsibility that requires cooperation and communication among students, parents, and school.

Students who are absent without a reasonable excuse, as determined by the principal, will be assigned to the following:

1st  INFRACTION: Detention assigned equal to the time student missed and parent notification.

2nd INFRACTION: Saturday detention assigned and parent notification.

3rd  INFRACTION: In-school suspension of 1-3 days and parent notification.

4th  INFRACTION: Suspension of three to five days and parent/guardian are required to meet with school administration. Student, parent/guardian may be required to appear in front of the Wapello School Board.

Reasonable excuses include personal illness, death or illness in the student's family, medical and business appointments which cannot be scheduled outside the school hours, and for other reasons which can be justified from an educational standpoint and for which approval is given by the student's parents or guardians and by the administration.


Parents are expected to telephone the school office to report a student's absence prior to the time on the day of the absence. Students with unexcused absences may also be referred to the at-risk coordinator.

When possible, arrangements to make up work prior to the absence should be made. Unless special arrangements have been made with the instructor, all make-up work must be completed in a length of time equal to the absence plus one day.

The administration and guidance staff shall make reasonable efforts to advise and counsel and may impose discipline upon any student having unexcused absences. Such advice, discipline and counseling includes, but is not limited to, oral or written notices to the student and his or her parents, conferences with the student and parents, written contracts, or loss of non-academic privileges such as extracurricular activities, open campus, late arrival, or early dismissal.