Each year after August 31 and prior to the organizational meeting of the Board in odd-numbered years, the Wapello Board of Directors shall hold its annual meeting.

At the annual meeting, the Board shall examine the financial books and settle the secretary's and treasurer's statement for the fiscal year ending the preceding June 30. As part of the annual reports, the treasurer shall present affidavits from depository banks. The Board may also appoint the Board's legal counsel.










Legal Reference:  Iowa Code  279.1, .3, .33

Cross Reference:  206.3  Secretary

                               206.4  Treasurer

                               701.1  Depository of Funds

                               707  Fiscal Reports


Approved: 07/18/1995

Reviewed: 02/12/2004; 11/9/11; 10/14/15; 12/9/2020

Revised: 7/13/2006